About Nutrition. Eat Right!

Chances are you find yourself standing in line or sitting in the drive-through some days for a quick meal. You are not alone. Every day about one out of five Americans eats takeout from a fast-food restaurant. As convenient as this is, most of the time, this food does not give a woman’s body what she needs to be healthy and fit.

Eating healthy does much more than give your body fuel to keep going. It can help prevent disease and improve your quality of life. The better your diet, the better your health. A healthy diet has the correct amount of nutrients (vitamins, minerals) and calories. Too much or too little of nutrients and calories can affect a woman’s health. An easy way to find out if you are eating healthy is to look at what you are eating. Choose a diet with a wide variety of foods such as plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grains. Cut back on the use of sugar and salt. If you drink alcohol, limit yourself to no more than 1 to 2 drinks a day. If you are a smoker, you need to take steps to quit. See www.4woman.gov/QuitSmoking for resources to help you stop smoking.

As a woman, the nutrients and calories your body needs will change during the different stages, such as pregnancy and menopause, in your life. Women need more calcium, iron and folic acid, than do men. The risks of osteoporosis (bone loss) and iron deficiency (anemia) are greater for women than men. By simply changing your diet, you can reduce your risk for these conditions. Whether you are 8 or 80, it is never too late to start. Any changes you make in your diet today will help to improve your overall health. The National Women’s Health Information Center has provided the following resources to help women eat healthy and achieve or maintain a good diet and proper nutrition.

Posted on: August 26, 2020, by :